Rust reqwest代码阅读


  1. 首先 TcpStream::connect 建立连接
  2. 通过 conn::http1::Builder 拿到 sender
  3. 发送请求 sender.send_request(new_req)

工作的很正常,但是没有连接池。想到 hyper 官方提供的 reqwest 是有内置连接池的,于是研究了下做了改造,记录下过程中读到的代码。


async fn reverse_proxy(
        req: Request<Incoming>, // 原始请求
        plain_host: &str, // 目标主机
        plain_port: u16, // 目标端口
    ) -> Result<Response<BoxBody<Bytes, io::Error>>, io::Error> {
        let stream = TcpStream::connect((plain_host, plain_port)).await?;
        let io = TokioIo::new(stream);
        match hyper::client::conn::http1::Builder::new()
            Ok((mut sender, conn)) => {
                tokio::task::spawn(async move { // conn是一个future,tokio::spawn来poll它,驱动它完成
                    if let Err(err) = conn.await {
                        warn!("reverse proxy connection failed: {:?}", err);

                let method = req.method().clone();
                let url = req.uri().clone();
                let url = match url.path_and_query() {
                    Some(path_and_query) => path_and_query.as_str(),
                    None => "/",
                let mut new_req_builder = Request::builder()
                for ele in req.headers() {
                    new_req_builder = new_req_builder.header(ele.0, ele.1);
                    debug!("{}: {:?}", ele.0, ele.1);

                let mut new_req: Request<Incoming> = new_req_builder
                    .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
                // 这一版一定是HTTP/1.1,一定需要Host
                let target = format!("{}:{}", plain_host, plain_port);

                if let Ok(resp) = sender.send_request(new_req).await {
                    Ok(|b| {
                        b.map_err(|e| {
                            let e = e;
                            io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)
                } else {
                    Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted, "连接失败"))
            Err(e) => Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted, e)),

reqwest对 legacy client 的使用

下面是 reqwest 发起执行请求的代码,关注用 !!! 标注的注释

    /// Executes a `Request`.
    /// A `Request` can be built manually with `Request::new()` or obtained
    /// from a RequestBuilder with `RequestBuilder::build()`.
    /// You should prefer to use the `RequestBuilder` and
    /// `RequestBuilder::send()`.
    /// # Errors
    /// This method fails if there was an error while sending request,
    /// redirect loop was detected or redirect limit was exhausted.
    pub fn execute(
        request: Request, // !!!类型是 reqwest::async_impl::request,我们不能直接使用,看下面会转换成http::Reqwest
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response, crate::Error>> {

    pub(super) fn execute_request(&self, req: Request) -> Pending {
        let (method, url, mut headers, body, timeout, version) = req.pieces();
        if url.scheme() != "http" && url.scheme() != "https" {
            return Pending::new_err(error::url_bad_scheme(url));

        // check if we're in https_only mode and check the scheme of the current URL
        if self.inner.https_only && url.scheme() != "https" {
            return Pending::new_err(error::url_bad_scheme(url));

        // insert default headers in the request headers
        // without overwriting already appended headers.
        for (key, value) in &self.inner.headers {
            if let Entry::Vacant(entry) = headers.entry(key) {

        // Add cookies from the cookie store.
        #[cfg(feature = "cookies")]
            if let Some(cookie_store) = self.inner.cookie_store.as_ref() {
                if headers.get(crate::header::COOKIE).is_none() {
                    add_cookie_header(&mut headers, &**cookie_store, &url);

        let accept_encoding = self.inner.accepts.as_str();

        if let Some(accept_encoding) = accept_encoding {
            if !headers.contains_key(ACCEPT_ENCODING) && !headers.contains_key(RANGE) {
                headers.insert(ACCEPT_ENCODING, HeaderValue::from_static(accept_encoding));

        let uri = match try_uri(&url) {
            Ok(uri) => uri,
            _ => return Pending::new_err(error::url_invalid_uri(url)),

        let (reusable, body) = match body {
            Some(body) => {
                let (reusable, body) = body.try_reuse();
                (Some(reusable), body)
            None => (None, Body::empty()),

        self.proxy_auth(&uri, &mut headers);

        let builder = hyper::Request::builder() // !!!转成我们可以直接使用的hyper::Request

        let in_flight = match version {
            #[cfg(feature = "http3")]
            http::Version::HTTP_3 if self.inner.h3_client.is_some() => {
                let mut req = builder.body(body).expect("valid request parts");
                *req.headers_mut() = headers.clone();
            _ => {
                let mut req = builder.body(body).expect("valid request parts");
                *req.headers_mut() = headers.clone();
                ResponseFuture::Default(self.inner.hyper.request(req)) // !!!调用hyper_util::client::legacy::client::Client

        let total_timeout = timeout

        let read_timeout_fut = self

        Pending {
            inner: PendingInner::Request(PendingRequest {
                body: reusable,

                urls: Vec::new(),

                retry_count: 0,

                client: self.inner.clone(),

                read_timeout: self.inner.read_timeout,

看完这段代码之后,就知道核心是使用 hyper-utillegacy clientrequest 方法:

impl<C, B> Client<C, B>
pub fn request(&self, req: Request<B>) -> ResponseFuture
    // Bounds from impl:
    C: Connect + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
    B: Body + Send + 'static + Unpin,
    B::Data: Send,
    B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
Send a constructed Request using this Client.

值得说明的是 legacy client 并不是“过时”的意思,而是 hyper 库从 0.14 升级到 1.0 时,将其从 hyper 移动到了 hyper-util。可以理解为从hyper体系的核心库移动到了外围实用组件。见下面引用自Upgrade from v0.14 to v1的描述

The higher-level pooling Client was removed from hyper 1.0. A similar type was added to hyper-util, called client::legacy::Client. It’s mostly a drop-in replacement.

legacy client中池化的实现

legacy client 的核心实现都在 impl<C, B> Client<C, B> 中,核心方法有:

// 发送请求
pub fn request(&self, req: Request<B>) -> ResponseFuture
// 从pool中找一条connection,发起请求
async fn try_send_request(&self, mut req: Request<B>, pool_key: PoolKey) -> Result<Response<hyper::body::Incoming>, TrySendError<B>>
// 从pool中找一条connection
async fn connection_for(&self, pool_key: PoolKey) -> Result<pool::Pooled<PoolClient<B>, PoolKey>, Error>

大致流程时将scheme、host、port作为pool_key找到一个连接(PoolClient),然后使用PoolClient的 try_send_request 方法。 try_send_request 定义如下:

impl<B: Body + 'static> PoolClient<B> {
    fn try_send_request(
        &mut self,
        req: Request<B>,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Response<hyper::body::Incoming>, ConnTrySendError<Request<B>>>>
        B: Send,
        #[cfg(all(feature = "http1", feature = "http2"))]
        return match self.tx {
            #[cfg(feature = "http1")]
            PoolTx::Http1(ref mut tx) => Either::Left(tx.try_send_request(req)),
            #[cfg(feature = "http2")]
            PoolTx::Http2(ref mut tx) => Either::Right(tx.try_send_request(req)),

        #[cfg(feature = "http1")]
        #[cfg(not(feature = "http2"))]
        return match self.tx {
            #[cfg(feature = "http1")]
            PoolTx::Http1(ref mut tx) => tx.try_send_request(req),

        #[cfg(not(feature = "http1"))]
        #[cfg(feature = "http2")]
        return match self.tx {
            #[cfg(feature = "http2")]
            PoolTx::Http2(ref mut tx) => tx.try_send_request(req),

当我们走进 http1tx.try_send_request(req),发现这个 PoolClient.tx 就是之前无连接池版本中的 sender,就是下面这个 handshake 的返回的tuple的左值(右值是Connection,会被 tokio::spawn 驱动执行)


至此,无连接池和有连接池的版本交会了,连接池中实际放的是就是之前的 sender: http1::SendRequest,见下面的定义。

struct PoolClient<B> {
    conn_info: Connected,
    tx: PoolTx<B>,

enum PoolTx<B> {
    #[cfg(feature = "http1")]
    #[cfg(feature = "http2")]


impl<C, B> Client<C, B>
fn connect_to(&self, pool_key: PoolKey) -> impl Lazy<Output = Result<pool::Pooled<PoolClient<B>, PoolKey>, Error>> + Send + Unpin


#[cfg(feature = "http1")] {
let (mut tx, conn) =
    h1_builder.handshake(io).await.map_err(Error::tx)?; // 1. 熟悉的hanshake

    "http1 handshake complete, spawning background dispatcher task"
executor.execute( // 这里实际就是tokio::spawn,和无连接池版本一样
        .map_err(|e| debug!("client connection error: {}", e))
        .map(|_| ()),

// Wait for 'conn' to ready up before we
// declare this tx as usable
return PoolTx::Http1(tx)


让我们从hyper-util走到hyper,看看hyper这个底层库是如何发送http请求的。看这个的意义在于确定我们将http2请求的body转换成http1.1的body是否有损,具体来说是,将http2分帧的body的转换成http1.1的Transfer-Encoding: chunked的body是否有损。答案是无损的。


impl<B> SendRequest<B>
pub fn send_request(&mut self, req: Request<B>) -> impl Future<Output = crate::Result<Response<IncomingBody>>>
    // Bounds from impl:
    B: Body + 'static,
let sent = self.dispatch.send(req); // 返回的是respones的receiver

async move {
    match sent {
        Ok(rx) => match rx.await {
            Ok(Ok(resp)) => Ok(resp), // 如果从receiver中拿到了response,返回
            Ok(Err(err)) => Err(err),
            // this is definite bug if it happens, but it shouldn't happen!
            Err(_canceled) => panic!("dispatch dropped without returning error"),
        Err(_req) => {
            debug!("connection was not ready");
            Err(crate::Error::new_canceled().with("connection was not ready"))

// self.dispatch.send(req);的定义
#[cfg(feature = "http1")]
pub(crate) fn send(&mut self, val: T) -> Result<Promise<U>, T> {
    if !self.can_send() {
        return Err(val);
    let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
        .send(Envelope(Some((val, Callback::NoRetry(Some(tx))))))
        .map(move |_| rx)
        .map_err(|mut e| (e.0).0.take().expect("envelope not dropped").0)

这个 inner.send 是发送到了一个channel中,那这个channel的接收者在哪呢?答案是我们之前看到的被 tokio::spawnConnection中。这里有必要给出Connection的定义:

/// A future that processes all HTTP state for the IO object.
/// In most cases, this should just be spawned into an executor, so that it
/// can process incoming and outgoing messages, notice hangups, and the like.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct Connection<T, B>
    T: Read + Write,
    B: Body + 'static,
    inner: Dispatcher<T, B>,

Connection被 tokio::spawn 说明他是个 Future,他的逻辑就在 poll 方法中,我们看下这个 poll 方法:

impl<T, B> Future for Connection<T, B>
    T: Read + Write + Unpin,
    B: Body + 'static,
    B::Data: Send,
    B::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
    type Output = crate::Result<()>;

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        match ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.inner).poll(cx))? { // 调用 inner: Dispatcher<T, B> 的poll
            proto::Dispatched::Shutdown => Poll::Ready(Ok(())),
            proto::Dispatched::Upgrade(pending) => {
                // With no `Send` bound on `I`, we can't try to do
                // upgrades here. In case a user was trying to use
                // `upgrade` with this API, send a special
                // error letting them know about that.

这里就是推动 inner: Dispatcher的执行,我们继续看 Dispatcher 的poll(trait bounds有点多,经典类型体操):

impl<D, Bs, I, T> Future for Dispatcher<D, Bs, I, T>
    D: Dispatch<
            PollItem = MessageHead<T::Outgoing>,
            PollBody = Bs,
            RecvItem = MessageHead<T::Incoming>,
        > + Unpin,
    D::PollError: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
    I: Read + Write + Unpin,
    T: Http1Transaction + Unpin,
    Bs: Body + 'static,
    Bs::Error: Into<Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>>,
    type Output = crate::Result<Dispatched>;

    fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        self.poll_catch(cx, true)

而后逐步走到 poll_innerpoll_loop,有经验而敏感的同学看到poll_loop就知道 Reacotr模式的事件循环(eventloop)他来了。这个poll_loop值得贴一下源码,因为涉及到其他future的饥饿问题,可能自己在做设计的时候也要考虑

fn poll_loop(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<crate::Result<()>> {
    // Limit the looping on this connection, in case it is ready far too
    // often, so that other futures don't starve.
    // 16 was chosen arbitrarily, as that is number of pipelined requests
    // benchmarks often use. Perhaps it should be a config option instead.
    for _ in 0..16 {
        let _ = self.poll_read(cx)?;
        let _ = self.poll_write(cx)?;
        let _ = self.poll_flush(cx)?;

        // This could happen if reading paused before blocking on IO,
        // such as getting to the end of a framed message, but then
        // writing/flushing set the state back to Init. In that case,
        // if the read buffer still had bytes, we'd want to try poll_read
        // again, or else we wouldn't ever be woken up again.
        // Using this instead of task::current() and notify() inside
        // the Conn is noticeably faster in pipelined benchmarks.
        if !self.conn.wants_read_again() {
            return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
    trace!("poll_loop yielding (self = {:p})", self);
    task::yield_now(cx).map(|never| match never {}) // 让出执行,避免其他饥饿

接着走进 poll_write的逻辑,就能看到具体的http请求的发送逻辑了。贴一小段代码,解密下消息从哪来

fn poll_write(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<crate::Result<()>> {
    loop {
        if self.is_closing {
            return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
        } else if self.body_rx.is_none()
            && self.conn.can_write_head()
            && self.dispatch.should_poll()
            if let Some(msg) = ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.dispatch).poll_msg(cx)) { // !!! 从channel中接收消息
                let (head, body) = msg.map_err(crate::Error::new_user_service)?;

                let body_type = if body.is_end_stream() {
                    None // 长度为空
                } else {
                    let btype = body
                        .or(Some(BodyLength::Unknown)); // 从body中知道是固定长度的还是chunked的
                self.conn.write_head(head, body_type); // 写header部分,也是我们关注的chunked部分
            } else if !self.conn.can_buffer_body() {
            } else {
                // 接收body

核心在于 self.dispatchpoll_msg 方法,这个方法是 Dispatcher 的方法,我们看下这个方法的定义:

impl<B> Dispatch for Client<B>
    B: Body,
    type PollItem = RequestHead;
    type PollBody = B;
    type PollError = Infallible;
    type RecvItem = crate::proto::ResponseHead;

    fn poll_msg(
        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
    ) -> Poll<Option<Result<(Self::PollItem, Self::PollBody), Infallible>>> {
        let mut this = self.as_mut();
        match this.rx.poll_recv(cx) {   // !!! 从channel中接收消息
            Poll::Ready(Some((req, mut cb))) => {
            Poll::Ready(None) => {
            Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,

核心是 this.rx.poll_recv(cx),这个rx就是 handshake 过程中创建的 dispatch::channel() 的接受部分,底层是 mpsc::UnboundedReceiver。其实看到这里,应该就明白hyper怎么实现client的了:

  1. handshake生成sender: http1::SendRequestConnection
  2. 他们是生产者消费者模型,sender有mpsc的发送端,connection有mpsc的接收端。
  3. connection被tokio::spawn,poll方法中不断从mpsc接收端接收消息,然后发送http请求。

真正写header的部分,这里只截图我关注的HTTP2转HTTP1.1时是否能自动增加 Transfer-Encoding: chunked,简要总结下,如果没有设置 Content-Length,则会自动增加 Transfer-Encoding: chunked。截图左侧的调用栈也可以关注下。

alt text

最终构建legacy client的代码,支持HTTPS


hyper-rustls = { version = "0", default-features = false, features = [
] } 
hyper-util = { version = "0.1", features = ["tokio", "server-auto"] }
rustls = { version = "0" }
rustls-native-certs = "0"
webpki-roots = "0"
http = "1"

hyper-rustls中的ring或者aws-lc-rs是受自己crate的可选feature控制的,这里没有展示出来。下面是构建legacy client的代码,支持HTTPS:

fn build_http_client() -> Client<hyper_rustls::HttpsConnector<HttpConnector>, Incoming> {
    // 创建一个 HttpConnector
    let mut http_connector = HttpConnector::new();

    let mut root_cert_store = rustls::RootCertStore::empty();
    let mut valid_count = 0;
    let mut invalid_count = 0;
    if let Ok(a) = rustls_native_certs::load_native_certs() {
        for cert in a {
            // Continue on parsing errors, as native stores often include ancient or syntactically
            // invalid certificates, like root certificates without any X509 extensions.
            // Inspiration:
            match root_cert_store.add(cert) {
                Ok(_) => valid_count += 1,
                Err(err) => {
                    invalid_count += 1;
                    log::debug!("rustls failed to parse DER certificate: {err:?}");
    log::debug!("rustls_native_certs found {valid_count} valid and {invalid_count} invalid certificates for reverse proxy");

    let client_tls_config = rustls::ClientConfig::builder()
    let https_connector = HttpsConnectorBuilder::new()
    // 创建一个 HttpsConnector,使用 rustls 作为后端
    let client: Client<hyper_rustls::HttpsConnector<HttpConnector>, Incoming> =

